Take The Pledge

 “I pledge to be a voice for the roofing industry!”

Be a voice and pledge with us today.  Take the “Roofers United Pledge.”

___  Yes I (Name), I’ll take the Roofers United pledge, as a qualification to sign up today:  

I promise to:

___  Be a voice to promote the well-being for the state of the roofing industry at large

___  To take stock of my mental, physical, and spiritual attitude each morning

___  To walk with integrity at home and my workplace

___  Be honest and humble in all my business dealings

___  To stand for and protect the rights of my co-workers, sub-contractors, and homeowners

___  Be safe on the job, drive with caution, and be respectful of others on the road

___  Serve with a heart of gratitude honoring each opportunity as a blessing

___  Do good work for a profit but not at the cost of my integrity

___  Continue to carry the message of hope, courage, and justice to all


______________________________    ___________

Your Signature                                        Date